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Our Professional SERVICES

Our professional care team helps our patients maintain independence in their own homes and recover from an injury, surgery or illness, all while reducing the risk of unplanned hospital visits. Our staff undergo continuous training to ensure the highest level of care and attention. Most importantly, we value the significance of providing an environment filled with love and respect.

Physician Services (MD)
Skilled Nursing (Sn)
Certified Home Health Aide (CHHA)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Speech Therapy (ST)
Respiratory Therapy (RT)
Social Worker (MSW)
Spiritual Counseling
Registered Dietitian (RD)
Personal Care Giver (PCG)
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

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© 2021 La Casa Health Care. | All Rights Reserved

La Casa Health Services, Inc. A California Corporation